Physics and Beyond 2012-2013

Physics and beyond group 2012-2013:


 Who are we?

Physics and beyond (from the name of the book by great scientist Heinsemberg) is a group of young people (14-15 years old) as unconditional and personal choise of leasure in free time have chosen to became new associated with “Giovani per la scienza” and from 13.30 to 15.30 in the afternoon on Wednesday meet in the laboratories of ITIS in Savona to discuss scientific topics together.

What do we do?

First, it’s noted that for the Physics and beyond group theory and practice co-exist and are almost the same thing. In the first hour, all together, we begin to have lesson choosing the topic to be treated in an open discussion in wich all must/can say what they think and we solve the problem that we set at the start. The lesson consists into: – choose the topic to be discussed by posing a problem; – to study and inquire on the subject; – discuss the issue on the different ways to solve it and, during the discussion, on any hitches that may arise; – try if the result found theorically also works in practice; – discuss (especially if the practical results do not correspond to the theorical9 on the results found.

In the second hour, however, we are devided into several groups each of those with a problem or a topic to resolve or to deepen. Groups of Physics and beyond of this year are: circuits, electromagnetism, optics and moto.

This year Physics and beyond group has studied:



-The proportions;

-Optics, working with the light of laser;

-The set of numbers with an university book;

-The sum, the product with their propieties and the concept of sorting numbers;

-Addition and substraction of vectors;

-Vavignon’s table;


-Concept of energy and power.

What makes us stay?

Our group especially like the way to do lesson; the topics covered and how they are adressed; The fact of not aplying fixed rules, but to rediscover ourselves retracing the logic that led to the great scientists discover for the first time; The foundament motto of the association always followed: “NONE left behind”. When we discuss and we do not agree, but at the end, following the logic we all understand the correct way.